Tuesday 7 April 2015

chicken and boiled egg 'teritare'

Teritare [照りタレ] is basically two words smooshed together - you've got the 'teri' from teriyaki and tare, which means sauce. So yeah. We're talking some bonafide teriyaki chicken action today. Guess I got your attention now huh?

Teriyaki is one of the most universally loved flavours of Japanese cooking, and it's easy to understand why - the sticky deep soy flavour is one of those finger-licking inducing vices that spruces up even the plainest of ingredients and compliments an endless array of dishes. Although chicken is the standard protocol, this recipe from a Japanese magazine called Esse uses the addition of boiled eggs, which is just the most genius thing ever. The crispy chicken combined with the softness of the egg is just heavenly, and what's better it's dead-easy to make and uses simple cupboard ingredients.

Ingredients (serves 3-4 as a side dish):
♥ 6 boiled eggs
♥ 2 chicken thighs [鳥もも肉] cut into bitesize chunks
♥ A sprinkle of potato starch [片栗粉]
♥ A sprinkle of salad onions, salt, pepper

♥ 1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
♥ 3 tablespoons soy sauce
♥ 3 tablespoons mirin
♥ 3 tablespoons sake
♥ 1 teaspoon sugar

1. Sprinkle the chicken with a good coating of the potato starch, season with salt and pepper. 
2. Whack it in a frying pan on high heat and sear each side for a couple of minutes. Turn down to low heat and cover with a lid, leave to cook for 5-6 minutes.
3. Pour the marinade over and stir until sticky. 
4. Stop the heat and add the eggs. Stir until they are coated nicely in the mixture.
5. Cut the eggs in half and serve everything on a plate with a sprinkle of salad onions on top.

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